Better SAFE than sorry!!
So be safe! Rent one of our safe deposit boxes today. Below are the sizes and prices at each of our 3 locations:
South tulsa branch
North tulsa (turley) branch
skiatook branch
Safe or safety?
Safe Deposit Box or Safety Deposit Box? We found the answer (well, we KNEW the answer already) on this website and thought it was an interesting read! Check it out by clicking Safe or Safety?
other fees and terms
1. A $10 key deposit will be required at time of opening any safe deposit box. The fee will be refunded when you close your box if you return the key at that time.
2. If you lose your key, you will be required to pay a re-drill fee to open the box and install a new lock. This cost ranges in price based on what the locksmith charges but is usually around $125-$150. We do not upcharge the locksmith fee.
3. Other terms and conditions apply. Please consult the Safe Deposit Agreement at the time of renting your safe deposit box for this information.